Etheree Poetry

Poetry, as I have stated, is a hobby/passion of mine.  I’m bummed that this site has no “writing” or “poetry” categories, but hopefully that will change one day.  Trying some poetry here just to see what happens. 🙂

Etheree Poetry is a style of poetry that requires no rhyme  or “meter” (as in the sense of iambic pentameter, etc.)  Rather, it consists of ten lines, and can be done one of two ways (that I know of).  The first way is starting with one word, and then the second line being two words, the third being three words, etc. all the way to ten.  The second way that this is usually done is by counting, rather than words, syllables–again starting with one (syllable) and then each line having an added syllable up to ten.

This is a simple form of poetry, since all it really is is counting and it requires no rhyme.  I suppose that the challenge comes when the poet gets to the last few lines and tries to make it end so that it sounds “right”.  Below I’ve written two examples, the first counting words, and the second counting syllables. 🙂

(Etheree 1: Words)


Or, Autumn

Will be here

Before we know it.

Summer clothes will be traded

For socks, shoes, sweaters, and coats;

The air outside will become crisp

And many leaves will turn orange or brown.

Raking of those leaves will become a new pastime.

And the many joys of Falls past will be remembered.

© Stacey Uffelman 9-3-15


(Etheree 2: Syllables)



Very soon

It will be here.

Cooler clothes will be

Traded for warmer things.

The air outside will sharpen,

Leaves will turn to orange or brown.

Raking then will be a daily chore

And joys of Falls past will be remembered.

© Stacey Uffelman 9-3-15


There. Basically the same poem, the first written by counting words, and the second by counting the syllables.  The one that requires counting the syllables may prove more of a challenge, but good for poets who like a challenge. 😉