Have You Hugged Your Child Today?
Have you hugged your child today? Hope you are having a great day so far. Can any of you remember this saying? To me this is such a beautiful saying and I was wondering where it started or where it comes from.
I love reading, and I must be honest that since working online I have not read as many books as previously. I have read some great books written by Beverley Harper recently that I enjoyed very much.
Okay back to have you hugged your child today: my husband and I were discussing this saying “Have you hugged your child today?” If anyone of you remembers this saying and where it first started? I would love to hear your thoughts.
If a person at the end of each day were to ask themselves this question, what do you think the answer would be? Everyone is so busy leading a very rushed life these days that they do not stop to really enjoy the moment.
A little hug goes a long way and can change a person’s whole day. Just by smiling and letting the person know that they are special can mean so much to the next person.
We all need to slow down and live in the moment more often. When your children rush out the door in the mornings make a point of hugging them, and telling them how special they are.
When you wake up in the morning hug you wife/husband, and let them know that they are special, and that you are so thankful to have them in your life.
Granny and Grandpa’s also deserve big hugs when you visit them. It will mean the world to them knowing that are still loved.
Have you hugged your child, partner, husband, wife, Mom, Dad, Granny, Grandpa, yourself, and of course don’t forget your pets and all of your online friends today?
Enjoy your day.
Kathy Atkinson

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