And the idiom winked up at me! It was the buttered side of the bread of course, ever since I was a boy. School held no particular charm except when it was Sports Day and we children could come and go as we pleased. There were gala fetes with plenty of games and sweet stalls. We liked to keep walking all over the place…we never would have dreamed of such as thing on an ordinary school day. And we could see plenty of action in the school. The athletes would be running and jumping and we would sit on the side lines and clap our hands. School was then an exciting place to be.
So for the children of the school, there was nothing more exciting than getting another occasion to bunk classes and spend time roaming around the school. The school was holding an exhibition and the guest was a foreigner. Not that it mattered, what we wanted was the chance to skip school for the day.
The guest was going to demonstrate why cleanliness and how children can get acclimatized to this concept from a young age at school itself. She has visited plenty of schools in and around our village. The demonstration would require twenty or so students to stand in the playground area with placards but we had plenty of volunteers for that.
We were going to have fun on that day and what is more, we had a math test on that day. The happiness was unbounded. How great the day was going to be! There was a sharp ringing sound beside me. I opened my eyes and it was seven in the morning. Of course, I had to attend the math test.

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