Drinking Green Tea is good for you.

Have You Tried Drinking Green Tea?

Have You Ever Tried Drinking Green Tea?
Have you ever tried drinking Green Tea? There are many benefits to drinking green tea. Some of these benefits include it regulates your blood sugar, helps prevent certain cancers, helps fight plaque, helps lower your cholesterol and slows down the aging process.
Green tea also fights tooth decay from forming in between the teeth. So what are you waiting for? Go and buy a box of Green Tea from your local supermarket and start drinking it so you will be able to experience its many health benefits.
If you are someone that struggles to sleep through the night a Hot cup of Green Tea with some honey at bedtime will definitely help you.
For someone with Cholesterol problems drinking one or two cups of Green Tea every day is said to help lower the Cholesterol levels.
Iced Green Tea is also very tasty you can add any type of fruit to this, just to change the taste a bit. It is very thirst quenching on a very hot day.
You might find the taste is not too nice when you take the first a sip. You will get used to it just add some sugar, honey or even a lemon wedge.
It will take some time to finish a whole box of green tea so proper storage is very important.
Always make sure this is kept in an airtight container once you have opened it and store it in a dark place.
I am sure that a health drink like green tea will do a lot for you. Remember that it is never too late to start so once you have bought your box of Green Tea go and boil some water and put in a tea bag.
Enjoy your day!
Kathy Atkinson
Image from Pixabay