Scratching His Face

Scratching His Face

Babies are just so stubborn in terms of  moving, stretching their hands and legs. Today, i decided to cut his fingernails and stop using mittens at all but sadly, after cutting his fingernails, he scratch his face so bad and its was bleeding. I am scared to cut it so short so what i did was, i used the filer to smooth the edge but still it did not work. The sharpness of his nails are just freaking me out and hurting him so bad. I feel so guilty and upset to myself after seeing his face bleeding but he dis not cry even he scratched himself. I decided to put back the  mittens to avoid another scratches. His two months old now so i tried my best to make him feel comfortable touching things with his hands. I guess i just need to wait a little longer. Tomorrow is his immunization and i am worried cause i know it will badly hurt him. I hope he will not cry. His a tough guy for sure! I do not know yet how many shots he will get though it. In my phone app. I just love my little boy so much more than my life, his my everything to me and when his hurting and crying, its just breaking my heart, its tearing my heart apart. How i wish i can ease his pain, i can get his pain from the shots tomorrow. I want to protect him against any harm, any pain etc even just a bite of an ant i wont allow. I know i am over acting but its how i love my little boy.

Thank You..