Learn to Accept certain Criticisms
Learn to accept certain criticisms, and don’t get put off by some of the comments that people may leave on your posts.
By learning to accept certain criticisms, it will help us to become better writers in the long run.
I have written for many sites and must admit that when I first started out I did have to learn to accept certain criticisms.
The world is a place where people of different races, values and attitudes hang out. We are able to learn lots of new things from all our new friends from all around the world.
Sometimes it can happen, that you think that they will like what you have written but, it does not mean that they have to like or even leave a comment on you post.
When we remember that we are all different, no matter where in the world we live. It can sometimes happen that the person reading your posts might not be feeling well on that particular day.
They might have had a very busy day at work and are just not happy with what your post is about in relation to what has happened during their day.
Or they just might not be interested in the topic that you have chosen to write about. We need to select our topics to suit our readers.
Learn to accept, don’t be disappointed when someone leaves an unnecessary nasty comment, this happens, just keep on writing more posts. This is how we learn to become better writers.
In today’s world we have this wonderful opportunity of all these various online writing and survey sites.
Some sites that I have previously written for are no longer around, and I have lost a fair amount of money, but life must go on.
Learn to accept certain criticisms, and don’t get put off by some of the comments that people may leave on your posts.
Have a wonderful day further.
Kathy Atkinson
Picture from Pixabay

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