What is your favorite quote?

There are a lot of things that inspire me. My family, my friends, my kids. I could go on and on. One of my favorite things to do is to look for quotes that just say “yes! This is so me!” I do that a lot.  Quotes affect each and everyone of us in different ways. The same quote could mean different things to different people.

Quotes are meant to inspire, make you laugh, cry. Well that is what I do on some certain quotes when I read them. It just seems a lot of comfort to be able to relate with a quote. My favorite quote is this one:  When the world says give up, Hope whispers, Try one more time. I am not sure who came up with that quote but it has helped me through many trials throughout the years.

I have been at a point in life where I wanted to give up.  Life was very tough at the time and I was not sure who I could really turn to.  I went to the library one day and I came across that quote. It just jumped out at me. I read it over and over again. Then I cried. I knew I could not give up. I still had and have some fight in me.  I came to the conclusion that it was time for me to pick myself up and continue on living.


I feel that things happen for a reason, and even though sometimes I do not know what purpose I am suppose to serve here I am here and I make the best of it. What is your favorite quote? Why is it your favorite quote?