Water flows from the tap to sink

3 Common Ways To Treat Household Water

You know that reaching for a disposable water bottle every time you want a drink is bad for the environment. However, if your household water is contaminated or has an off taste, you may hesitate to drink it. Luckily, there are treatment options that can help make water safe and delicious. Here are three common methods of household water treatment that you should consider.

1. Carbon Filtration

A manual filter is an effective way to remove large particulates and some chemicals. This type of contamination is surprisingly common. Carbon filtration method is effective for removing chlorine, residue, and other chemical contaminants. It is a relatively affordable option and can be applied to individual water sources or the entire house depending on your personal situation.

The carbon attracts contaminants and filters out large particles. You can choose to use a faucet-mounted or pitcher-type filter — this is an excellent choice if you want to remove the taste of chlorine from drinking water but are fine with the remaining taps — or a whole house option.

2. Water Softeners

If you notice spotting on your shower or dishes, you may have hard water. This can be resolved with a water softener. Hard water is incredibly common in private wells since minerals from the soil leach into eh well system. Shop around and research features on the various water softeners Tampa before making a decision on a system for your home.

3. Reverse Osmosis

This is widely considered the gold standard of water filtration. If you are concerned about heavy metals in your water, reverse osmosis is the way to go. It forces water through a semipermeable membrane to remove impurities. This also tends to be the most expensive water treatment option.

The best way to treat your water will ultimately depend on what you are hoping to achieve. Your budget will also play a role in the type of system you choose.